Corporate Laws
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Our team works with and is affiliated with the dedicated corporate and commercial law firm i.e. MSB Consultants, on all matters related to corporate and compliance issues. This collected team of qualified lawyers believes in securing the most water-tight arrangements for clients in the most pro-commercial and risk-averse manner.

Contracts are at the very core of any corporate or commercial relationship, and our team can draft and advise over a wide variety of them, of a basic or highly complex nature. Our corporate team advises governmental organizations and all sectors of businesses from people in executive roles, to shareholders, investors and lenders.

Given that our firm is integrated into the legal and business fabric of Pakistan, as well as worldwide, we are a key player to advise on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, public company takeovers, venture capital, private equity and equity capital markets transactions. We also lead our clients through every step of the legal process, making sure that they are in the know and adequately advised.

Since a large proportion of our clients are local and foreign companies, we advise them on all aspects of the governance and administration of companies, including compliance with the SECP. In terms of compliance, some laws are fluid and not in stasis, and thus we help our local as well as foreign clients be notified of such changes that would affect their businesses, and offer dynamic solutions to retain the balance that work best for our clients’ needs and objectives.

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