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Intellectual Property laws of Pakistan include the copyright laws, patent laws and trademark laws. This area of law protects the work of creative individuals and businesses from unauthorized use or exploitation by third parties. By utilizing Intellectual Property laws, creators and innovators can fully protect and benefit from their creations. Several general principles are important […]
Article 4 subsection 2 of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides that no action detrimental to the life, liberty, body, reputation or property of any person shall be taken except in accordance with law. This article of the constitution provides protection to all citizens of Pakistan with regards to their property rights. In […]
DNA evidence has revolutionized the world of forensic sciences in technologically advanced countries. Many of them maintain DNA databases for the investigation of crimes. Many crimes that were once difficult to investigate due to lack of evidence are now being revisited, and offenders are being put behind bars. Now a days DNA fingerprint technique is […]